Checking the mole at a dermatologist to prevent skin cancer
Preventive skin check-ups are crucial for early detection and, more importantly, successful skin cancer treatment. According to World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, more than 3 million new cases of skin cancer occur worldwide each year. In addition, according to the National Malignant Cancer Registry in the Czech Republic, there were 5 937 new cases of the most severe form of skin cancer in 2020. Fortunately, prevention, early diagnosis and subsequent treatment can significantly positively impact the course of the disease.
Prevention of skin cancer
Adequate protection when exposed to the sun is the most important way to prevent skin cancer. Therefore, limiting the time spent in the harsh midday sun and using protective creams on exposed parts of the body is advisable. Yet, even with the utmost care, melanoma can still develop. Therefore, regular check-ups with a dermatologist are an essential next step. The dermatologist will perform a dermatoscopy examination and determine whether the individual moles are healthy or pose a risk.
Moles examination by dermatoscopy should be part of an annual preventive check-up at your dermatologist. A biopsy and further examinations are subsequently performed if a malignant change is suspected. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will refer you to an oncologist for other treatment.
Skin cancer treatment
According to available statistics, patients diagnosed with melanoma in its early stages have a significantly increased chance of survival. Thus, if skin cancer is detected early and removed within the first two years, patients survive in more than 90% of cases. However, if the melanoma spreads to surrounding tissues or distant organs, the chances of recovery are, unfortunately, radically reduced.
The importance of skin cancer prevention check-ups is therefore crucial to save lives. So think about your health and schedule a preventive check-up with our dermatologists. The examination takes only a short time and can save your life.